

Some projects I’ve been involved with didn’t seem to quite fit into a box, so I put them here: a custom guitar for Atlanta United / Heineken, a Twitter bot that creates randomized responses to my artwork every four hours, collaborative blackout poetry Christmas cards made with MakeBlackoutPoetry, my photo essay for the interdisciplinary online art magazine Floromancy, and more.

Selected excerpts from the Mike Germon Art Bot

“The compositions reconfigure astrological tropes that stylize an ouroboros through pages ripped from vintage text books. #art”

“These pieces show mysterious formulas that attempt to symbolize transmogrification with sorcery.”

“His ideas seek to prophesize problematic geometry that stylize the void through thrift store books.”

“His works often explore southern gothic lore that magically invoke Pascal's wager by way of alchemy.”

“Collages by Mike Germon often imagine baroque scrolls in order to speculate on the nature of space exploration by way of some old stuff he cut up and glued back together.”


Exhibitions & Installation

